The Chocolate Experience will start with a short 30-minute walk, where we will introduce you to the Central Pacific transitional forest, during the walk, we...
"Noche Tica" is perched high above the mountains overlooking the Central Valley. From this unique vantage point you can admire the auspicious panoramic views at...
Irazú Volcano Halfday The Irazu Volcano (Volcán Irazú) is situated in the Cordillera Central just a few kilometers from Cartago, and it is a relatively...
Desde una casona típica y con una vista inmejorable al Valle Central podrá admirar las auspiciosas vistas panorámicas al atardecer, y luego contemplar el resplandor...
La Experiencia del Chocolate comenzará con una corta caminata de 30 minutos, donde le introduciremos al bosque de transición del Pacifico Central, durante la caminata,...